Custom Sprinkler Schedules
Watering your landscape with an automatic irrigation system will likely be the single largest use of water in your home. Proper irrigation scheduling is a skill that surprisingly few have mastered. Many people don’t realize that they must change their irrigation program regularly as the seasons change. Ideally you should program your sprinkler clock weekly or even daily to maximize efficiency. But even monthly changes to the irrigation schedule will result in substantial water savings and improved plant health. Few people have the time or inclination to take this micro-managing approach but don’t worry we can help. We can help dramatically improve efficiency by using a custom irrigation schedule for you sprinkler system.
Sprinkler Schedules has 5 major factors we take into consideration.
- Soil Type. (Clay, Loam, or Sand)
- Type of spray. (pop up heads, rotors, or drip)
- Zone types. (sun, shade, and partial shade)
- Plant material. (grass, seasonal color, native plants, and shrubs)
- Water restrictions in your area.
Using the above we can create a unique schedule for each zone that will have a monthly percentage rate.